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Heavy Vehicles and Trucking

Heavy Vehicle Owner and Operator Legal Assistance

At Ticket911.ca, we specialize in defending truck drivers, owner-operators, truck fleet owners, and safety and compliance managers. Our goal is to help you avoid penalties and save PEVL, CVOR, and CVL points from negatively impacting your records.

Why Choose Us for Heavy Vehicle Legal Defense?

With extensive experience representing truck drivers and heavy vehicle companies across Canada, we stand by our clients against unfair penal and criminal infractions, as well as administrative tribunal hearings. Here's how we can assist:

Logbook Infractions:

Oversized Vehicle Infractions:

Mechanical Infractions:

Other Heavy Vehicle Infractions:

We also defend against various road-related violations not limited to the list below:

Representation Before the Commission des Transports du Québec

We have successfully represented heavy vehicle drivers and operators before the Commission des Transports du Québec, ensuring they stay in business and on the road. Our team can help prepare your case and provide representation to prevent increased insurance rates or suspensions.

Protect Your Record

Heavy vehicle drivers, you don’t need to fear being on the road. Our experienced team ensures your rights are respected and helps prevent unnecessary point accumulation on your personal and company records. Did you know a stop sign ticket in a heavy vehicle can penalize you on both your regular and heavy vehicle records? We can help protect your personal record from double penalties.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

Don't let traffic tickets affect your livelihood. Contact Ticket911.ca for a free, personalized consultation to see how we can help you navigate and resolve your legal issues.