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Nov. 1, 2022

If you've ever gotten a ticket, then you know that the whole process can be pretty stressful. When you get a ticket, your first instinct might be to just pay it and move on — but if you think your ticket was unfairly issued, or that the fine isn't fair given the circumstances, then you should consider fighting it in court.  


If you receive a traffic ticket, it is important that you understand what your options are for fighting it. While the court system does not provide any guarantees, there is always a chance that if you dispute your ticket, you will be able to get it dismissed. You should always consult with a lawyer before making any decisions about how to proceed and whether or not it is worth your time and money to fight your ticket.

If you get a traffic ticket, you have a few options. You can pay the ticket or fight it in court. The first step is to decide which option you want to go with. If you choose to fight the ticket, then you'll need to attend court and argue your case in front of a judge. Ignoring the ticket is not an option as it will lead to a judgment by default which is equal to pleading guilty! 


You can dispute a ticket by mail, or in person at court. If you're disputing by mail, then send your not guilty plea with or without explanation and you may include any evidence that supports your arguments. If you're disputing a ticket in person, you must go to court before the deadline to plead expires and speak with a clerk who will help guide you through the process. After several months, the delay can vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, you will receive a Notice of Hearing instructing you where and when to go plead your case.



A ticket dispute is when you disagree with the infraction that you were charged with. Either because you don't feel that you committed said infraction or because you feel that you have a valid defense. In order to dispute a ticket, you must first fill out a form included with the ticket to enter a not guilty plea. If you have any witnesses or evidence that can help your case, you can provide the details in the dispute or not. Once your form has been submitted, you will either receive a Notice of Hearing or a letter that the case was dismissed.



When you dispute a traffic citation, there are several reasons why your dispute could be rejected. The most common reason is failure to fulfill your burden of proof. If you've tried to raise a reasonable doubt, and you still haven't been able to get your ticket dismissed, there's a chance that the court just doesn't believe your side of the story or that the proof that you provided was not sufficient.


You might think that as long as you're telling the truth, there's no way they could not believe you—but unfortunately, that's not always true. In order to be successful with your ticket dispute, you have to have a valid legal argument and fulfill your burden of proof. That means showing them why their evidence doesn't hold up under scrutiny. For example, if they say that you were speeding, but you can prove otherwise, or that you were using your cell phone while driving, but the evidence is insufficient, then those are both reasons that would help raise a reasonable doubt.


If this is something that applies to your case and would help free yourself from paying for a ticket—or worse: getting points added onto your license—then we recommend hiring an attorney who specializes in traffic law and can help guide you through this process. If on the other hand you submitted the dispute after the deadline, you will need to submit a motion to the court to reverse the judgment.


If you've been found guilty of committing the violation, we suggest contacting a lawyer who specializes in traffic violations which can look into this further for you. If you don't want to go to traffic court alone, contact Ticket911 tod. Ticket911 is a team of traffic lawyers with the experience, resources, and a proven track record to help you fight your ticket.